Are you looking to grow your business, increase profits, streamline your processes, and gain insight into the automotive industry?

Our Team at ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, have a lifetime of hands-on, real-world auto repair shop experience of teaching and coaching in the business, and are here to impart their knowledge through our monthly blogs, just for you. Each member of Esi, Educational Seminars Institute, comes to you with an attitude of servitude. ESi, Educational Seminars Institute is your premier educational institute to turn to when you are ready to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for social media marketing help or a business coach in the automotive industry that has the knowledge and experience to help you rekindle your passion, turn to the experts at ESi. We pride ourselves in helping you gain control of your business and require no contract for our services. Call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today, and we will help reconnect you with your why and your passion.

General king james General king james


Last issue, we discussed long-term problems that are occurring on both sides of the automobile. These include customer apathy, the higher complexity and lower service requirements of today’s cars, and the fact that cars, customers, and employees have changed, but too many repair shop owners and managers have not. So, how do you fix the business? It starts with you! Look at your business through critical eyes. Better yet, hire someone to be very honest with you about it all! Grow in knowledge with fresh ideas and a strong will to try new things. Read books and take classes at the local adult school or community college. Attend the local chamber of commerce and service clubs, find someone successful, and pick their brain. Clean out the attic in your brain and accept new and different thoughts. Look at your business differently, advertise, join community events, and make your business the automotive hot spot! Solve problems for customers, educate them,

Last issue, we discussed long-term problems that are occurring on both sides of the automobile. These include customer apathy, the higher complexity and lower service requirements of today’s cars, and the fact that cars, customers, and employees have changed, but too many repair shop owners and managers have not.

So, how do you fix the business? It starts with you! Look at your business through critical eyes. Better yet, hire someone to be very honest with you about it all! Grow in knowledge with fresh ideas and a strong will to try new things. Read books and take classes at the local adult school or community college. Attend the local chamber of commerce and service clubs, find someone successful, and pick their brain.

Clean out the attic in your brain and accept new and different thoughts. Look at your business differently, advertise, join community events, and make your business the automotive hot spot! Solve problems for customers, educate them, and establish your business as the authority on car repair. Very important: become a leader of your business and lead by example.

Write down your vision of where your business should be one year from now; five years; 10 years, and include an exit plan. Describe what the perfect staff is. Decide your goals for the year (and make them ones that are reachable… challenging, but reachable). Determine yearly, monthly, and daily sales goals, monthly car count, average repair order goals, and gross profit goals. Your true aim should be handling fewer cars at a higher average ticket. Determine what needs to change to reach these plans. Do you have the correct staff, and in the correct positions? Do you have the correct customers? (That is a tough one because of our personal attachment with some, but it must be done and without emotion.)

Financial foundation: Understand what the important numbers are in your business. Confirm that your hourly rate is correct for your overhead. Measure everything. Think of the numbers as the score of the game of business (you must keep score to know who’s winning). Confirm that you have the information to make good decisions. Update your technology to manage your business; embrace the management software that allows you to manage your business with the least amount of time invested.

Employees: Establish goals for every position. For the service advisor, that means daily sales goals, gross profit goals, and average repair order goals. For techs, production goals and hours billed to the customers. Develop job descriptions for each position - even for owner - and share your expectations with each employee, including full-shop goals. Educate your employees about the business; share some of the numbers and make sure they understand why you need the goals met. Each position should have a minimum number of training hours per quarter (if you’re not learning, you’re going backwards!).

Marketing: Market in three phases, including for service reminders and recommended work, to keep your name in front of current customers, and to attract new customers (customers leave for lots of reasons, so the task of attracting new customers must be forever ongoing).

Customers: Study the demographics of your customer. Can you upgrade - newer cars, higher average income, etc.? Determine what your customer really wants from you. Remember that true customer service is not what you think is needed, but rather what the customer desires.

Win your battle through change - it’s the only way, but will keep you motivated! Act like it’s your first day in business. Many businesses failed to evolve through change and are gone forever. Good luck

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General king james General king james


This month we are going to task about something that makes most of us very uncomfortable… What happens to our business when something bad happens? Anytime we bring this subject up most people tune us out, because we have never given any thought to the idea that we may not going to be in business tomorrow. Part of what makes us Automotive Business owners is the personality type that we are invincible. Succession planning is something we all need to have discussed, and have a plan in place; otherwise we can burden the business and our family with debt, uncertainty and fear. What is succession planning? The dictionary defines succession as; “the act or process of following in order or sequence.” In most cases small business owners are so concerned and involved with running the business they never get to plan for the future. In our opinion succession planning needs to be a high priority, because without a succession plan the future of the business is not defined. What

This month we are going to task about something that makes most of us very uncomfortable… What happens to our business when something bad happens? Anytime we bring this subject up most people tune us out, because we have never given any thought to the idea that we may not going to be in business tomorrow. Part of what makes us Automotive Business owners is the personality type that we are invincible. Succession planning is something we all need to have discussed, and have a plan in place; otherwise we can burden the business and our family with debt, uncertainty and fear.

What is succession planning? The dictionary defines succession as; “the act or process of following in order or sequence.” In most cases small business owners are so concerned and involved with running the business they never get to plan for the future. In our opinion succession planning needs to be a high priority, because without a succession plan the future of the business is not defined. What areas does the succession plan help us in?

• Preparing for loss of leadership.

• Responsible planning for the future.

• Leadership development of the younger generation.

• Smooth transition of control

In most cases we have not planned the future of our business; In fact we don’t give a thought to our exit plan. We work very hard for 20 or 30 years and then in the last year or two of our careers we decide what to do with the business. We have never spoken to our family (spouse, children) about what happens to the business when we retire or if we have illness or death. We need to have a succession plan for these reasons;

• Planning the future direction of the business.

• Provide a training plan for future leaders.

• Ensure business continuity.

• Reduce tax liability.

• Provide peace of mine for your family and employees.

• Security for your family.

The facts are… we as an industry are aging and have not realized it. Consider this; the average shop owner is 53 years old, and has been in business an average of 28 years. We have spent no time planning for the future and some cases we are in poor health. Long days, short nights, high stress levels and poor eating habits have made us the poster children for heart disease and strokes. And because we live and breathe only our business, we have spent zero time planning for the future; in fact we don’t plan next week much less twenty years into the future. Our biggest potential failure is that we keep all of the business information in our head, and when this happens, if we can’t function, the business can’t function.

Some interesting facts about family small businesses…

Only 30% of family businesses survive to the second generation, and of this 30%, only half make it to the third generation.

A lot of small business owners think the sale of their business will finance their business retirement, but in most cases the business has not been staffed or structured correctly to allow for a profitable sale. One thing to keep in mind is that if you are the main point of contact to the customer and you go to sell your business, it could bring half of what it is worth. If you have a team in place and they are the main point of contact your business is more valuable. Part of a good succession plan is an exit strategy for you that is planned and not based on a major negative event.

How do I start this succession plan? As we have talked about in other seminars and articles you need a Team of professional to provide guidance in many areas. We feel we need to have a relationship with these professionals.


Attorney (a business attorney and a succession planning attorney)

Financial Advisor

Insurance expert

Business Coach / Consultant

Now, when I talk about a relationship with these professionals, I mean we want them to be familiar with you and your business. It’s never a good idea to wait until you need one of these professionals to hire them. Interview for these positions until you find someone you’re comfortable with, and then check their references until you find the right fit for you. Once you have your professionals located, put them on retainer, or build a working relationship, so that they can jump into action as/if needed.

After you have your professionals in place, the next step is to review and assess your current employees. Identify the strengths and weakness of each employee, and understand that not every weakness means they shouldn’t be there! . Ultimately, the end result is that you are looking do develop the Team so that we feel comfortable leaving our business. If you do not have the crew now, this needs to become a priority! Once the Team is in place we need to develop processes and procedures for the day-to-day shop operations.

We need to have enough processes and procedures that will allow the Team to run the business profitably, and without you! We have seen many shops struggle to survive because the shop could not function with the owner sick or worse, out of the picture all together. Your also business needs an operational manual, a step by step manual of how to perform each job in the business. Now do we need to spell out what direction the toilet paper should roll out in this manual, well maybe, that depends on the quality of the employees you have!

Having regular meetings with your staff is an important step to having a Team that has the knowledge to make sure the business survives. These meeting should include such things as an overview of what is currently happening within the business, where the facility is on the company goals, etc. Some of these meeting should also be used to develop an emergency operation plan as well as “what if” contingencies.

Next we need to developed leadership in our employees. You want a group of decision makers as employees, not followers, and then you need to empower them to make decisions. What is empowering your employees? Simply allowing your employees to make decisions based on their experience, AND the policies & procedures for your facility. Empowering your employees also means that you aren’t micro-managing them, which in theory means you have more time for working in instead of on your business.

We also need to cross train all of the employees to be able to cover all positions in the company, even if only basically and temporarily. Remember that cross training should make your life easier in the long run as it allows you to fill a temporary position from within.

What else should you do? Get all you legal issues handled. These should include but are certainly not limited to, a properly set up, living will or trust that is set up and funded correctly. Then there is the insurance required, be sure you and the agent of your choice have your insurance coverage set up correctly, and you have all the coverage you need! Failure to have the right insurance will cost you more in the long run in most cases than you’ll save going with the least expensive insurance.

You also need to have a date for you to exit the business. Don’t get mad, you don’t have to leave, just have a plan in place so your business is ready for you to leave. There are four basic ideas for an exit plan;

• Retain ownership and manage control

• Retain ownership, but not manage control

• Sell it and hope for the best. Most repair shops are sold and the seller carries at least part of the loan. In many cases they end up with the shop back in 3 to 5 years.

• Close the shop

By being prepared, empowering your employees, making sure your business is covered, and plan on selling will protect not only your investment, but also help protect your family and the businesses extended family!

Succession Planning is available as a recorded Webinar on our web site We have 17 1 hour long Webinars that cover all aspects of repair shop management available. Many of the Webinars come with other resources such as spreadsheets and sample documents to help you improve your business and profitability of your shop.

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The expert consultants at Educational Seminars Institute will share with you some of the methods they normally charge to reveal to clients.