If you are looking for additional tools to gain control of your business, ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, is your premier source for educational training and events throughout all of the United States, such as service advisor training, automotive coaching, and auto repair management consulting.

Did you know that we now offer social media marketing assistance? Our specialized social media marketing strategy, designed to optimize your ratings and help you put your name at the top of Google searches in your local community. With decades of automotive coaching and experience within the automotive industry, each member has a lifetime of hands-on, real-world auto repair shop experience of teaching and coaching in the business. Team ESi prides ourselves on our honesty, depth of knowledge, integrity, and expertise. This is why with ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, you never need to sign a long-term contract for our services. If you are looking for inspiration within the automotive industry, the team at ESi comes with the attitude of servitude; we are here to help you rekindle your passion and improve your business profit margin, call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today.

At Educational Seminars Institute, we believe in empowering minds through knowledge. Our training courses are meticulously designed to help you expand your skill set, stay ahead in your career, and make a positive impact on your professional journey. Because your growth is our mission.


With decades of automotive coaching and experience within the automotive industry, each member of Team ESi prides ourselves in our honesty, depth of knowledge, integrity, and expertise through our free webinar series. When you are ready to gain control of your business, ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, is your premier source for service advisor training, automotive coaching, and auto repair management consulting. Each member of ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, comes to you with an attitude of servitude. ESi, Educational Seminars Institute is your premier educational institute to turn to when you are ready to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for social media marketing help or a business coach in the automotive industry that has the knowledge and experience to help you rekindle your passion, turn to the experts at ESi. We pride ourselves in helping you gain control of your business, turn a profit, and require no contract for our services. When you are ready to gain control of your business, ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, is your premier source for service advisor training, automotive coaching, and auto repair management consulting. Call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today.

Please explore our comprehensive and current training schedule below, tailored to meet your evolving educational needs.

Did you miss a session? Don't worry! You can access our archive of recorded webinars by simply completing the access form. Your path to knowledge has no expiration date at Educational Seminars Institute.


  • September 12th, 2023

    Success is a choice – yes, it is that simple.

    Why do some succeed where others fail in the very same business? It all comes down to the choices we make and our mindset about them. Yes, success is simple. This webinar will show you how and what you need to do to make the right choices.

    Webinar ID - 725-807-371

  • October 10th, 2023

    Becoming a Destination Employer

    In these times, going through the hiring process feels more like we are the ones preparing for the interview! We have to be ready to present our own professional resume to rise above the competition. In essence, it’s not much different from advertising and recruiting our customers; they are just a different and much more targeted audience. Many of the same avenues can be used, such as social media and our Google page. People value their time and have become less tolerant of a work environment that doesn’t meet their wants and needs. They are investing more time and consideration into their employment decisions, with so many available options. Come learn how to make your perfect employees say yes to your job offers and be their final employment destination! time and consideration into their employment decisions, with so many options being available to them. Come learn how to make your perfect employees say yes to your job offers and be their final employment destination.

    Webinar ID - 535-014-395

  • November 14, 2023

    Inspiration Before Information

    Did you know that Google now processes more than 50,000 searches every second? That’s over 5 billion searches per day! There is more information available to us today than ever before in human history. Why, then, do most of us still struggle to find answers to our most basic questions?

    Information by itself is never enough. Find out how to put Inspiration before Information and awaken to new possibilities and the unlimited potential that awaits each one of us.

    Inspiration isn’t something we get or find – it’s something each of us already has! In this webinar, you will learn to unlock your very own inspiration vault!

    Webinar ID - 981-993-131

  • December 12, 2023

    10 Critical Steps to Financial Freedom - Start the new year off right!

    Where has all the money gone? "Good question," you say?

    This is that one ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY WITHOUT A DOUBT, MUST HAVE class of the year.

    Without this class, you may be making financial decisions without correct information. Or, more simply put...winging it! Follow along as we look at Budgets, Financial Structuring, and Hourly Rates based on your successes.

    Webinar ID - 225-200-827


Are you looking to dive into our webinar archives? Click on the link and fill out the simple form to unlock access to our valuable collection of recorded webinars. This isn't a registration for a live session, but a key to a treasure trove of previously held insightful webinars. Take your time, learn at your pace with Educational Seminars Institute!


  • August 8th, 2023

    Building Decision Makers

    Ever wish your staff made better decisions? Or make a decision at all? Making decisions is a skill set that must be developed. Join us as we discover how to make ourselves and our staff better decision-makers! 6 tips to coach your staff on making better decisions.

    Webinar ID - 895-202-139

  • July 11, 2023

    Little used, but vital KPI’s you should know.

    You are probably tracking the basics already, but there are many other important numbers you should be looking at from time to time. In this webinar, we will be looking at those numbers, what they mean, when you should be looking at them, and what you should be doing with this information. Knowing all your KPIs can make you more money and could save you a lot of time.

    Paid webinar - $49.95

    Webinar ID - 302-731-835

  • June 13, 2023

    The Importance of Relationships and Selling

    Improve customer satisfaction while increasing sales by moving from a transactional-based business model to a relationship-based business model.

    People buy from people they like. There is a significant body of social science research that supports this concept. When you have a strong relationship with a customer, you tend to have more influence with that customer.

    Webinar ID - 969-641-243

  • May 9th, 2023

    What are you asking, and are they the right ones?

    Or are you making statements when you should be asking questions? We do a lot of both in life. But the right question asked in a certain way can get you an answer that has been eluding you. At the completion of this webinar, you will get a list of questions to ask yourself and others and a whole new perspective on the power of asking questions.

    Webinar ID - 961-539-195

  • April 11th, 2023

    Digital Inspections: What You Need to Know

    Inspection of customer vehicles is no longer a courtesy; it is a requirement. With longer intervals between visits, we need to ensure the reliability of the vehicle and build customer trust through transparency. Transitioning from paper to digital inspections is vital to making this happen.

    The information shared during this webinar is for attendees who are either looking for a digital inspection or those who are already using them. Some of the topics that will be covered include.

    • Inspection creation and editing

    • Efficient inspection techniques and tools

    • Proper note, recommendation, and photograph documentation

    • Best practices for sharing inspections with customers

    • Generating a “wear history” that brings drivers back for service

    Participants who attend this webinar will have the information they need to find the digital inspection that is right for their shop, while those who already have digital inspections will take away tips and procedures to make their current inspection process more focused and profitable.

    Webinar ID - 577-537-787

  • March 14, 2023

    Hiring 101

    We all have done it, hired the wrong employee. Learn the basics of hiring the “right” employee. What should you ask? What should you know to get the right person for the job? Testing is an essential tool for hiring correctly. Failure to use these techniques could cost you BIG MONEY!

    Webinar ID - 145-332-243

  • February 14, 2023

    Using iSocial media to build an audience who believes in your brand

    Know - Like - Trust

    When your audience feels that they know you, like you, and trust you as a person and company, they want to buy from you. When you have established yourself as an expert in your field, it's monumentally easier to get them to schedule that appointment.

    How do we build authenticity? It is easy through clear communication, building trust in your brand, and sharing your authentic self online and in person. These days, we are saturated with an abundance of content. What sets you apart? We want to be unique within our industry, connect with our audience, and we want to show them our personality and values, and bring the human side into auto repair. Establish yourself as an expert in your industry and a brand your customers can believe in and trust.

    Webinar ID - 570-377-643

  • January 10th, 2023

    Estate Planning for Business Owners

    A presentation geared to business owners. Find out what documents are included to assist a Business Owner in properly protecting and transferring their businesses to others.

    About Daniela Lungu, Attorney at Law

    Daniela Lungu devotes her law practice to asset protection through estate planning. Ms. Lungo’s goal is to provide her clients with the most personalized legal services possible in a friendly and approachable way.

    Like many attorneys, before opening her own law firm, Ms. Lungu was a highly accomplished businesswoman in various areas of management and areas of specialty. Additionally, her mediation and conciliation practice spanning over two decades in California assisted her in transition into law and allows her to offer a safe and comfortable experience for her clients to discuss their utmost concerns. Each client is provided an individually tailored estate plan geared to meet goals and concerns.

    Webinar ID - 690-980-187


  • December 13th, 2022 at 11 AM

    Successful Thinking! - Presented by Rodger Bland

    It has been said that what you think about you become – all day long. Our thinking determines absolutely everything we do. In this webinar, Rodger examines our thinking strategies and provides valuable insights on how to align our thinking with the successful outcomes we all desire. From running a business to running your life, and it all begins with Successful Thinking!

    Webinar ID - 263-397-347

  • November 8th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    Jeffrey Nott presents a complimentary webinar on change!

    Change Happens – How to Accept and Adapt to What You Can Not Change What’s the one constant of the Universe? Change! Many fear or dislike change; in fact, many downright hate it. This workshop will cover the many benefits of change, how to embrace, and even flat out learn to love change - even change that you may think is terrible.

    Webinar ID - 934-056-171

  • October 11, 2022 at 11am

    Jeffrey Nott presents a valuable webinar on The Law of Attraction

    What to Start Doing or Stop Doing to Bring in and Keep Better Customers and Employees. Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard something about the Law of Attraction. Whatever your beliefs are and whether you accept the idea, you are already practicing it or the opposite Law of Repellence in your business. In this webinar, we will be uncovering the many ways (Hint: it's not chanting) to become more and more attractive to the best clientele and employees. Who wouldn't want to be more attractive? Sign up today for only $49.95!

    Webinar ID - 786-789-515

  • September 13th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    Maylan Newton Presents: The Importance of Relationships and Selling

    Improve customer satisfaction while increasing sales by moving from a transactional-based business model to a relationship-based business model.

    When you have a strong relationship with a customer, you tend to have more influence with that customer. People buy from people they like. There is a significant body of social science research that supports this concept.

    Webinar ID - 468-494-507

  • August 9th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    A complimentary webinar by Maylan Newton!

    Join us for this valuable webinar on: Building Decision Makers Do you ever wish your staff made better decisions? Or made a decision at all? Making decisions is a skill set that must be developed over time. Join us as we discover how to make ourselves and our staff better decision-makers! 6 tips to coach your staff on making better decisions.

    Webinar ID - 480-163-339

  • June 14th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    Maylan presents a complimentary webinar on Handling the Phone Shopper.

    Everyone seems to be struggling with the number of phone calls you get every day asking for pricing. Customers today are better informed, and in many cases, they have the same information you do about the repair of their car.In this webinar, Maylan explores different ideas and procedures to get back to the value of the service you perform. He will walk through techniques on building relationships with these telephone shoppers and converting your callers into customers.

    Learn how to build trust. Build value before the car is in the shop. And understand why quoting prices over the phone is not always a good thing. Understand your differences and how to use them to schedule an appointment with your phone shopper.

    Sign up today and learn how to use Consultative and Relationship selling to build trust with your customers!

    Webinar ID - 279-801-515

  • May 10th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    ESi's one and only Jeffrey Nott presents

    Our world has changed a lot in the last few years. As leaders, we need to adapt new leadership styles and strategies to meet the changes for this year and beyond. This includes how we manage our teams as well as ourselves. Sign up today for this valuable webinar on leadership for only $49.45!

    Webinar ID - 224-645-459

  • April 12th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    Join us for a complimentary webinar by our special guest speaker, Rodger Bland!

    The Balancing Act! Finding True Work/Life Balance

    Anything in motion that is out of balance will eventually self-destruct. That’s true whether applied to rotating automotive parts or one’s life. And because everything in the world is in motion all the time, balance is pretty important. Of course, the key to staying in balance is to know when you’ve lost it. In this free webinar, we’ll examine some key insights that will help us identify life’s “wobbles” and strategies to get us back in balance. The Balancing Act is a level-headed approach to life’s ups and downs.

    Webinar ID - 844-495-403

  • March 8th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    ESi presents a complimentary webinar featuring Maylan Newton on building 10 Critical Steps to Financial Freedom.

    Where has all the money gone? "Good question," you say? This is that one ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY WITHOUT A DOUBT, MUST HAVE class of the year. Without this class, you may be making financial decisions without correct information. Or, more simply put...winging it! Follow along as we look at Budgets, Financial Structuring, and Hourly Rates based on your successes.

    Webinar ID - 124-141-203

  • February 8th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    Jeffry Nott presents a valuable webinar on Employee Maintenance – The Care and Feeding of Your Team.

    Sign up today for only $49.95 and learn how to retain and inspire your team! Your employees are the lifeblood of your business and the biggest investment you make on a daily basis. How well you tend to them affects your business in many ways. In this webinar, we are covering the many forms of caring and feeding them to keep our companies lively and strong for many years to come.

    Webinar ID - 124-038-947

  • January 11th, 2022 at 11 AM PST

    A Complimentary Webinar - Maylan

    Don’t Just Sit There; Do Something!

    All the knowledge in the world cannot make it happen. You must get up, take the 1st step, and write the 1st word to drive the 1st nail. Our world is paralyzed by great ideas but not the discipline to implement them. Knowledge is not the power we seek; implementing our knowledge is the key to success. The most successful business owners have had the discipline to take the 1st step.

    Webinar ID - 928-707-659


  • December 14th, 2021

    Hiring 101


  • November 9th, 2021



  • November 2 - 4th, 2021

    APEX show

    Las Vegas Nevada, Sands Convention Center


  • October 13-16th, 2021

    Automatic Transmission rebuilders Association (ATRA) Powertrain Expo

    Las Vegas, NV!


  • October 12th, 2021

    Little Known Tips to Maximize Mitchell1/ShopKey ManagerSE Effectiveness


  • September 14th, 2021

    Uniqueness - What it Takes to Stand Out of The Crowd


  • August 10th, 2021

    The Right Labor Rate For Your Store


  • July 13th, 2021

    Profit Strategy Influences


  • June 12-13, 2021

    Service Writers School of America Buena Park


  • June 8th, 2021

    The Importance of Relationships and Selling



  • 12/15/2020

    Focus - How Just One Idea Can Revolutionize Your Business

    Focus - has just one idea can revolutionize your business. In the late 80s, Alcoa was struggling when the new CEO announced a laser-like focus on just one area of the business. This one idea made a dramatic change in the business to better profitability and culture. What one area or idea could you use to do the same in your business? In this webinar we will look at some areas to do so.

  • 12/8/2020


    If you only go to 1 class this year, this is the class! See where your attitude costs you money, AND where it can make you money. Attitude starts at the top and trickles down, make sure it is the best it can be!

  • 12/1/2020

    What Drives You To Do What You Do?

    If you know this, you can apply this to every part of your business for success.

    What drives you? The key to success. Do you know your "Why"? Do you know what gets you to jump out of bed everyday and anxious to do business? If you can't articulate this to yourself and others, you might be challenged on several levels such as your marketing message and more. This webinar will help you to determine your 'Why".

  • 11/24/2020

    Relationship Selling

    Improve customer satisfaction while increasing sales by moving from a transactional-based business model to a relationship-based business model. People buy from people they like. There is a significant body of social science research that supports this concept. When you have a strong relationship with a customer, you tend to influence that customer.

  • 11/17/2020

    Personality Types, Learning Styles and Values - Understanding How They Affect You and Your Business

    Personality types, learning styles and values - understanding how they affect your business. Ever notice how some types of people are attracted to and succeed at certain tasks or endeavors? Are there things you find you like to do more than others. Much of this is due to how each of us is wired. In this workshop we will discuss these traits and how to apply them to how you work with your teams.

  • 11/10/2020


    If you only go to 1 class this year, this is the class! See where your attitude costs you money, AND where it can make you money. Attitude starts at the top and trickles down, make sure it is the best it can be!

  • 11/3/2020

    What Does It Mean To Be A Leader? It’s Not Just A Position

    What does it mean to a leader? It's not just a position. As an owner (or manager) one has positional power, but doesn't mean they are a true leader. True leaders have followers who do so voluntarily and willingly. In this workshop we will discuss true leadership, the traits of a leader and how to develop (or improve) oneself as a true leader.

  • 10/27/2020

    Profit Structuring and Business Analysis

    This seminar comes from years of experience and the understanding that without a good foundation, most business owners/managers spend too much of their time trying to hold up the walls themselves instead of making money. Don’t misunderstand us; this is generally not out of lack of desire or dedication, but instead simply that most of us were great Technicians before we decided to open our businesses, but we had little experience or training as Business Owners. The information in this seminar is what we should have had before we opened our doors!

    This Seminar will be covering these important topics;

    • Reading & Understanding your Profit & Loss statements

    • You will receive an excel spreadsheet that will perform all calculations talked about in this webinar, & a 1-hour phone consultation on your numbers after filling out the spreadsheet and a recorded copy of the webinar for future reference

    • How to determine your True Cost of Being Open

    • We’ll show you how to determine your Per Hour Charge or Labor Rate

    • And determine what you are actually Charging Per Hour

    • Production and how it affects profit

    • How to mark your parts up

    • Understanding gross profit

  • 10/20/2020

    The Secrets of Building A Great Team

    What does it take to build a great team? You know, the team that works hard together, accomplishes much, has fun in the process, and looks forward to being together every day? In this workshop, we will go over the secrets of building that team in your business.

    What does it take to build a great team? You know, the team that works hard together, accomplishes much, has fun in the process, and looks forward to being together every day? In this workshop, we will go over the secrets of building that team in your business.

  • 10/13/2020

    I Object!

    Getting more objections than ever before? This course will help you understand why you are getting those objections and anticipate the objection and handle it in the sales process while closing more sales with less stress.

    Anticipating the client’s objections before attempting to close the sale more calmly and professionally will always get you better results. Reading the customer to understand what their objection may be and formulating a response to that objection will help remove it before it is voiced.

  • 10/6/2020

    What’s Your Role - Establishing Your Role, And Others, In Your Business

    What's Your Role? - Establishing your role and others' in your business. As a famous quote says "All the world is a stage and we are just actors on it." You and your employees can be likened to actors in the play titled "Your Business". Does everyone, including you, know there roles? In this workshop we will be discussing how to organize and set up roles for all the players in your business

  • 9/29/2020

    The Social Media and Web Whisperer

    ESi’s Social Media Marketing Specialist, Birdie, with Birdie’s Promotions is here to help you share your unique story with the world through social media marketing and content development. From planning to creation and implementation, she works with each shop on an individual level to meet your specific needs all the while ensuring your branding is distinctly shared within your marketing reach.

    Melissa “Birdie” Patterson comes to ESi with a long history (over two decades!) of working in the automotive body repair industry. She started out detailing cars and eventually worked her way up to running the whole show. In more recent times, she has focused on the marketing side of the auto repair industry and loves working with shops to develop strong marketing plans as well as handling the actual marketing for those shops wanting

    that level of service.

  • 9/22/2020

    In The Year 2021…

    It’s time to stop worrying about 2020, and start planning for 2021! There is much to do to prepare ourselves in the remaining part of this year for the new opportunities next year will bring. Financial structuring to go over, marketing plans to write. Employee evaluations and of course our personal and professional goals for the upcoming year.

    We have just a few short months to put our ideas, hopes and dreams as well as our goals into writing so they stop becoming dreams and become a plan that will drive us to greater success. Join team ESI as we lay the framework for a successful new year.

    Don’t miss this!

  • 9/15/2020

    The Power of Delegation And How To Get It Done

    The Power of Delegation - Freedom and leverage for the business owner. In this workshop you will learn how to set yourself free from having to do everything in your business. Delegation is leveraging your time and setting up the business so you don't have to be there 24/7.

  • 9/8/2020

    Overcoming Objections

    Are objections causing Service Advisor frustration ending in poor facility performance? Join Team ESi to look at the most current effective methods and proven responses to age-old objections and fresh approaches to the Internet-savvy customer. Bring your hardest objection lines with you and let ESi help you get through them

  • 9/1/2020

    Excellence is A Habit

    We are what we repeatedly do. Are your business habits or practices, preventing you from reaching excellence? Join us as we explore how routines and habits are preventing us from achieving the results we want. Forty percent of the actions you perform each day aren’t actual decisions but are habits, explore how to break bad habits and create new ones that help you achieve success with both your professional and your personal life. Retrain your subconscious mind by understanding how patterns, practices, and habits work!

  • 8/25/2020

    Where You Are In 12 Months Depends On What You Start Doing Today – The 1 Week 1 Thing plan.

    What keeps many businesses from really excelling? Getting the big things done! Things like a marketing plan, managing (and knowing) key numbers, systems, delegation, and so much more. So much to do and so little time. This workshop will review the plan in the book 1 Week 1 Thing and how you can implement it and get more done ON your business than ever before.

  • 8/18/2020

    Hiring 101

    We all have done it, hired the wrong employee. Learn the basics of hiring the “right” employee. What should you ask, what should you know to get the right person for the job. Why testing is an essential tool for hiring correctly. Failure to use these techniques could cost you BIG MONEY!

  • 8/11/2020

    Workflow – How It Goes In Your Business Dictates Your Cash Flow

    Almost every shop loses productivity in their business due to many small workflow inefficiencies. Sadly, most are not aware of it at all. Why? Because they haven’t taken the time to study it. KPIs are talked about a lot, but the workflow is rarely addressed. This workshop will be focused entirely on the workflow, slowing down your cash flow.

  • 8/4/2020

    Overcoming Objections - How To Win The Game

    Are objections causing Service Advisor frustration ending in poor facility performance? Join Team ESi to look at the most current effective methods and proven responses to age-old objections and fresh approaches to the Internet-savvy customer. Bring your hardest objection lines with you and let ESi help you get through them.

  • The Four Keys to Getting More Things Done in Your Business

    You know you need to do more work ON your business, but do you struggle to find the time to do so regularly? If so, this workshop is for you. You will learn about the 4 keys and how to apply them easily so you can get more things done on a weekly basis. Proper planning and focus are just part of the process that will be covered.

  • How to Handle Stressed-out Customers: A Guide to Helping our SA and Other Front-line Staff

    These are challenging times and everyone is feeling the impact. Some people deal with it better than others. When the ones who aren't dealing with it well come into our shops, how can we help our front-line staff help them? We will take a look at some examples and share tactics and some simple ways of turning things around before they even start heading south. Many people are scared and frustrated and we can help ease some of that for them if our staff knows what to do.

  • The Net Profit Crisis

    Net profit is the money that ensures the future of your business. In times of crisis, net profit is the money that supports the continuation of business. In addition, net profit leads to less stress, better health, and a positive environment. This webinar will illustrate the importance of focusing on the correct net profit.

  • Ramping (Back) Up – Adapting For a New Normal

    We have just come through one of the biggest challenges in our lifetime. Whether you were closed or open during the Stay-in-place mandate, business and peoples’ attitudes are not the same. In this session, we will address several things to do to quickly ramp up your business and how to adapt to the new normal.

  • Confident Selling

    What’s the difference between a Service Writer selling 50% and one that sells 90% of their attempted sales? In short, Confidence! Confidence selling is the key to most GREAT sales individuals. Join Team ESi for a class in Confidence selling, the Techniques, the Attitude, and the results you should expect.

  • Profit Strategy Influencers

    You need to understand the realities of what really affects your profits. Every decision is influenced by something. Frequently those influences have a negative impact on profit. This webinar will focus on properly pricing labor and parts sales. With an emphasis on making positive influencers a priority.

  • Simple SOP's

    Facing the need to create a set of complete Standard Operating Procedures for any business can be overwhelming. It’s easy to put off, but at this time in history, we have been shown just how important it is to be well prepared. This webinar will break it down into simple, actionable steps. We won’t sugar coat it, though, because we know how much effort goes into an SOP. We want to give you the tools and encouragement you need to start to take this seriously without falling into the rabbit hole of overwhelm.

  • Close One More Sale a Day

    While it may seem impossible to make one more sale a day. The evidence is most stores could easily make another sale and realize improvements in all the critical key performance indicators we measure. This webinar looks at the opportunity and benefits of closing one more sale a day.

  • Handling the Phone Shopper

    Everyone seems to be struggling with the number of phone calls you get every day asking for a price. The customer today is better informed and in many cases has the same information you do about the repair of their car. We'll explore some different ideas and procedures to get back to the value of the service you perform and to build relationships with these telephone shoppers. Convert the callers into customers. Learn how to build trust. Build value before the car is in the shop. Why quoting price is not always a good thing. Understand your differential and how to use it. Use Constative and Relationship selling to build trust.

  • The Vehicle is fixed. Now what?

    Fixing/servicing a vehicle is the easy part. (Really! It is!) The tougher part is how to impress the customer so much they will always come back to you and refer you to others. In this workshop we explore the various methods of giving that little extra, creating a great experience, and keeping your shop “top of mind” of your customers. The goal is to make your shop a “habit” for your customers to return again and again.

  • Creating a Powerful Shop Culture Guide

    You want your shop to be a representation of you and your values. When you create a Culture Guide, your team will have a clear direction on what that looks like in action every day on the shop floor. This webinar will break it down into actionable steps with an outline to give you the incentive to get this critical aspect of your business completed.

  • Motivation Through Discipline

    In this workshop, you will learn a simple and unique way to motivate your employees to adhere to the company rules and policies when they don’t follow them. Internal motivation is the key. No more telling/yelling at them, threatening them with penalties or dismissal. You will be amazed at how easy this process is and how positively your employees will respond.

  • Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something!

    All the knowledge in the world cannot make it happen. You must get up and take the 1st step, write the 1st word, drive the 1st nail. Our world is paralyzed by great ideas but not the discipline to implement them. Knowledge is not the power we seek; implementation of the knowledge we already have is the key to success. The most successful business owners have had the discipline to take the 1st step.

  • 11.5 Ways to Massively Increase Your Business In The Next 90 Days

    Is your business a bit stagnant? Are you suffering from the Shutdown? Is your ARO starting to sag because you see the same cars over and over? Maybe it’s time to do some serious marketing to increase business and bring in some new customers. In this workshop, we will review just how to grow business in a big way and very quickly.

  • Building Decision Makers

    Ever wish your staff made better decisions? Or made a decision at all? Making decisions is a skill set that must be developed. Join us as we discover how to make ourselves and our staff better decision-makers! 6 tips to coach your staff on making better decisions.

  • The Secrets Of Building A Great Team

    What does it take to build a great team? You know, the team that works hard together, accomplishes much, has fun in the process, and looks forward to being together every day? In this workshop, we will go over the secrets of building that team in your business.

The expert consultants at Educational Seminars Institute will share with you some of the methods they normally charge to reveal to clients.