When you are ready to gain control of your business, ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, is your premier source for service advisor training, automotive coaching, and auto repair management consulting.

We now offer social media marketing assistance to help you put your name at the top of Google searches in your local community. With decades of automotive coaching and experience within the automotive industry, each member of Team ESi prides ourselves in our honesty, depth of knowledge, integrity, and expertise. This is why with ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, you never need to sign a long-term contract for our services.

Our auto repair management consulting team within ESi strives to provide you with more freedom, increased profits, a better quality of life, and less hassle overall.

How much is this worth to your business, you ask? Our automotive coaching clients see as much as a 30% growth in “poor” economic periods after implementing our custom-tailored programs. If you ask yourself, does our service advisor answer the phone correctly every time? Perhaps it is time to bring on board one of our service advisor training programs. Did you know that we offer phone coaching as well as a two-day intensive? With so much flexibility, there is a custom tailorable program for everyone.

We are now able to provide you with the opportunity to share your unique story with the world through social media marketing! Did you know that at ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, we specialize in creating unique social media posts and custom blogs each month? If you need help responding to reviews, we are here to help you by responding on Yelp, Facebook, Google My Business & Kukui on a weekly or even a daily basis. Need content for your website? ESi can do that too. We encourage you to participate as much as you like on social media when inspiration strikes, or leave it to us to maintain your engagement, so you can focus on your business and what you do best.


Check out what our clients are saying:

“Our first experience with Maylan was a pivotal turning point in our business’s customer service offerings! We attended a class hosted by Independent Garage Owners ASTE show in 2017. During this eye-opening class, we saw that we hadn’t been meeting the customer service needs as well as we thought we had! During this event, Maylan forever changed “how” we did customer service with a series of simple, yet impactful processes, policies and procedures. Customers noted a change in our service after returning from the first training we attended and our business has been on a trajectory of growth and improvement since! Since the event, we’ve been following the teachings of Maylan and ESI, as their principles and ethical values are closely aligned with our own. My staff and I would feel confident recommending Maylan for any education and training needs your automotive service facility needs! 5 of 5 Stars!!!”

-Lucas Underwood, L&N Performance Repair

At ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, we pride ourselves in helping you gain control of your business without requiring a contract for our services.

With a lifetime of hands-on, real-world auto repair shop experience of teaching and coaching in the business, each member of Esi, Educational Seminars Institute, comes to you with an attitude of servitude. ESi, Educational Seminars Institute is your premier educational institute to turn to when you are ready to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for social media marketing help or a business coach in the automotive industry that has the knowledge and experience to help you rekindle your passion, turn to the experts at ESi. Call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today, and we will help reconnect you with your why, your passion, and help you improve your profit margin.

With a lifetime of hands-on, real-world auto repair shop experience of teaching and coaching in the business, each member of Esi, Educational Seminars Institute, comes to you with an attitude of servitude. ESi, Educational Seminars Institute is your premier educational institute to turn to when you are ready to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for social media marketing help or a business coach in the automotive industry that has the knowledge and experience to help you rekindle your passion, turn to the experts at ESi. We pride ourselves in helping you gain control of your business and require no contract for our services.

Call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today, and we will help reconnect you with your why, your passion, and help you turn a profit.

The expert consultants at Educational Seminars Institute will share with you some of the methods they normally charge to reveal to clients.