We, at ESi Educational Seminars Institute, pride ourselves in helping you gain control of your business and require no contracts for our services.

With a lifetime of hands-on, real-world auto repair shop experience, our team of auto repair management consulting and automotive coaching staff comes to you with an attitude of servitude. ESi, Educational Seminars Institute is your premier service advisor training institute to turn to when you are ready to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for social media marketing help or a business coach in the automotive industry that has the knowledge and experience to help you rekindle your passion, turn to the experts at ESi, Educational Seminar Institute. Call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today, and we will help reconnect you with your why, your passion, and guide you toward a profitable business.

My company is cutting costs, so it’s not a good time to bring in outside help. How can ESi help us now?

t’s always hard to justify additional expenses when things are tight. But you cannot look at your Consulting / Coaching cost as an expense, you have to look at it as an investment. With all investments, you expect to get a return. With our tailored programs, industry experts and years of experience we feel that you should see the return on your investment quickly.

How is ESi different from other consulting companies?

We are different in many ways. First and foremost we don’t use contracts, because we believe that part of a good consulting relationship is flexibility. To increase or decrease our involvement in your business is crucial to maximize the results of out consultation relationship. Another difference is we only use consultants that have extensive real world automotive experience. We all have been in the automotive repair business as technicians, service advisors, mangers and owners. Just like you, we have passion for this business and have made it our mission to help automotive shop owners like you achieve a higher level of success. We have many programs available and are willing to design a custom consulting / coaching program around your needs. No other company in this industry has the flexibility and experience that we do.

What can I expect from a Consulting company?

Great question! In a very basic answer, you should expect them to be open to your concerns. They should do a thorough review of your current financial situation, and take the time to understand your business culture. And as your business is different in needs to anyone else’s, you should never use a one size fits all, cookie cutter approach to solving your problems. Each small business has a unique personality and to correct the shortcomings your consulting company must understand your business.

How broad is ESi’s client mix?

We have a broad mix of clients from start ups to 80 year old businesses. Mom and pop 1 or 2 person shops up to multi-facility 40 plus employees. In ESi’s 31 years of service to the automotive industry we have consulted and trained every type of repair facility including General repair, Specialty, Transmission, and Gas Station facilities.

I have a difficult time with change, is ESi going to try to change myself and my employees?

Again the simple answer is YES. Everything about business has changed in the recent years and most of us have NOT changed the way we do business. If we are to survive and prosper in today’s difficult times we must change. Through our Consulting / Coaching expertise, we will help you change the right things for the right reasons. Change for the sake of change is not going to help you, and our job is to help you decide what needs to be changed, how to change and even help you implement those changes.

Why do clients hire ESi?

We think in most cases it's because they are frustrated with their business. Most clients realize that they need to change the way they do business but are not sure what to change, or how to make the changes. They need someone who understands business, even more importantly, the Automotive Business. A lot of our clients look at us as a partner in their business, someone to talk too, brainstorm with, without the business partner issues.

Have the staff and Consultants of ESi ever walked in my shoes?

Every consultant has a long career in the automotive repair business. Most started out as Technicians before moving into Service Writing. In addition to working in the business the majority of the consultants have been shop managers and shop owners. We have extensive hands on real world experience in all aspects of running a repair facility, that knowledge base along with the years of experience in hundreds of other repair facilities make us the best choice to help you and your business.

What is ESi’s fee structure?

Our fee structure is determined on an individual needs. We believe that every situation is unique and all require a custom program, so we offer many different possibilities to ensure we meet your needs. From Educational classes, One-on-One Coaching, and Entire Facility Interaction to simply phone support, ESi has a program to fit not only your needs, but your budget as well. Please give us a call and we can discuss you specific concerns.

The expert consultants at Educational Seminars Institute will share with you some of the methods they normally charge to reveal to clients.